Saturday, January 24, 2015

Transfer: Nimrod pt4

Nimrod pt 4

                                                        Nimrod pt 4

In Nimrod pt4 as we take a closer look at the cities that are attributed to Nimrod and their inhabitants. We look at the city Erech/ Uruk.

                                                        Erech/ Urek/ Unug 

Erech/ Urek is also attributed to Nimrod and was part of his kingdom. We first look at the names of this city and their origin to help us again identify who lived here and when. The key to remember about all these cities that they were often conquered and occupied by many different people!

These cities are part of the famed silk roads into the Orient {Asia} from Ethiopia, that Western Culture has given credit to the European trader Marco Polo. These routes exist way before Marco Polo! Marco Polo learned of these trading routes from Pale and Black Arabs who controlled trade into Europe at the time!

Erech: Hebrew.
Urek: Aramaic.
Unug: Akkadian.

Aramaic is a lose translation between Arabic and Hebrew.

From the different names the city is called, we can see who controlled the area by simply knowing who spoke what language. The oldest of the three (3) is Unug spoken by the Akkadian people of the Sumeria Empire.

Next we have Erech the name which the Hebrews called not to be confused with the {European Jews/ Semites}. The original Hebrew people were Black Africa Ethiopians/ and Shemites {not to be confused with Semites}.

Dealing with Akkadian people and their Kings, I used the Sumerian Kings list which goes back at least 27 centuries before the birth of Jesus Christ. There are some gaps in the list due to war with some groups like Elamites and the Islamic conquest of the area by Muslims in later years.

Century/ ies: means. 100 years or 100s hundreds of years

The control of the city was always by different Black African nations like the Elamites, Shemites and the early Ismaelites {original Muslims}.

There is not a real conquest by Islam and Muslims in the area until the Pale {fair skinned/ White}Muslims reintroduce Islam from Turkey {Asia Minor} as a religion into the area. When Islam by Ishmael-ites {Black Africans} it was a way of life, not so much as a religion as we have today. Ishmaelites belief system was closely related to Judaism {Hebrews/ Jews} belief. There is no real division between the two (2) groups until the Prophet Muhammad.

Ishmael is the 1st son Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian {Black African}.
Ishmael is known as the founder of Islam outside of Islam! Inside of Islam his father Abraham is the founder of Islam. This is the same difference cause the son only follows the fathers lead. Ishmael followers are know as Ishmaelites, the first original Muslims.

                        Akkadian and Biblical comparison?

1. In the Gilgamesh Epic, Uruk is the capital city of Gilgamesh Empire, found by Enmerkar. In the bible Erech is the second city founded by Nimrod.

2. Like Enmerkar, Nimrod brings his kingship with him from another place!

3. Also like Enmerkar, Nimrod unifies the surrounding area and cities as one kingdom under him!

As you get into a in depth reading and studying of Enmerkar whom calls himself the son of the "Sun" Utu. Utu is the sun god of Sumeria, which they may have adopted from Egypt/ Kemet more than likely ?

It was Enmerkar that confused the languages of his people in Sumeria, very similar to the story in the bible about the tower of Babel.

These are only a few of the many similarity of that, of those that are the Holy Bible. For the most part these Biblical stories are only Black African stories retold! This is why the biblical stories do not make much sense when carefully study! The story can not be told exactly, because it would point to African people as the originators of the story. 

                                Erik Boyd personal feelings on the topic!

Its so sad that White European people are so blinded by racism they would alter the word of God to gain power, influence and wealth. Racism is simply the means to take{steal} from others, to support their greed!

I will continue to help so many of my people {African descent} who have not a clue who the really are? They to have become blinded in the White man lies and deceit.

But I have forgiveness for the White man, I truly understand his situation coming out of Europe, which is a barren wasteland compared to my motherland Africa. Because as a African- American the inner- cities of America are a barren wasteland compared to suburbia America. That condition makes some do anything to get out of that condition even sell their soul, if they have one?

live, learn and love

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